Matters matter too
I had a proof: the fork of my old bike was really in bad shape. I went to the workshop and the man asked me 50 euros to replace it. The bike was purchased at that time for 200 euros: what was the advantage of its replacement? None. To regenerate it, because it worked very well, seemed to be for him uneconomical. Obviously, it would have taken for him at least half a day, then the cost would have been even higher than that of its replacement. But something from Rotafixa I have learned. I'm reading Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen thus I’m now aware of the fact that under the second principle of thermodynamics and other laws of the economic process degrades each subject (matter matters too), so I tucked up my sleeves and started to soil my hands with grease. My fork has to go back to live, the more brilliant than before: I'm simply applying the laws of Bioeconomy.
P.S. the curious picture is not the fruit of my work but a clumsy trick of these serious people here
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Matters matter too
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Bootleg session
Per chi avrà la fortuna di essere nei paraggi della Truman Brewery di Brick Lane martedì 30 giugno: buon divertimento!
For those who have the luck to be around the Truman Brewery in Brick Lane Tuesday June 30: have fun!
Bamboo bike
Fanno telai in carbonio dal 1988 ed ora propongono un telaio interamente in bamboo; Calfeedesign si trova a La Selva Beach, e dove se non in California? Sono pronti a giurare che il loro telaio, a cui hanno adattato un bel manubrio “bull horn” (ma questa volta vero), sia totalmente ecocompatibile, ovvero non sfruttano canne di bamboo sottratte indebitamente alla natura, bensì fatte crescere appositamente nello Yushan National Park di Taiwan, raccolte a mano, essiccate e affumicate senza l’uso di prodotti chimici. La sella fortunatamente non è un sedile in giunco bensì una semplice An-atomica, proveniente dal Wisconsin.
Bamboo bike
They make carbon frames since 1988 and now they offer a frame made entirely of bamboo; Calfeedesign is located in La Selva Beach, and where else if not in California? They are ready to swear that their frame, where they adapted a nice handlebar "bull horn" (but this time it’s a true one), is completely environmentally friendly, it’s a matter of fact they do not use bamboo canes wrongly subtracted to nature, but made specially grow in Yushan National Park Taiwan, collected by hand, dried and smoked without the use of chemicals. Fortunately, the saddle is not a seat in rush but a simple An-atomica, from Wisconsin.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Monocicletta - Monocycle
Love for the removal of superfluous, for the essence, for the lightness, the mobility constant, for the simple lines will lead to this final and definitive solution? If you're ready to buy the ultimate Nimbus wheel it's just $ 90, and the size is 20''.
Michael Ubbesen Jakobsen, Danish designer, presented this fixed gears to the Berlin DMY Design Festival 09, inspired - very obviously – to the geometric lines of the Bauhaus, and calling it Baubike. The author, on its website, explains how in the space that is created behind the beautiful Brooks saddle you can adjust, as desired, or another seat for a passenger or a second door items, as needed. Note how the angular structure of the frame (60° and 90°), designed in the proportions of the golden section, create forms that recall the wonderful works of Piet Mondrian.
Bauhaus: il meno è più - less is more
Starting from crafts, passing through technology and ending to art: that's what is Bauhaus for me. I do not know exactly how Walter Gropius, considered the creator of this school of thought, codified it but I know that he reinterpreted the classic tradition of building techniques changing it in a new "art of building" whose basic idea was the search of essence through a process of subtraction of the redundant. With him, the various "masters" such as Mies Van Der Rohe, Lecorbusier (pseudonym of Charles-Edouard Jeanneret), Mart Stam, Marcel Breuer, Eric Mendelsohn and others, as in the artistic field, Vasilij Kandinsky or Paul Klee. Gropius was fond of saying that we needed to simplify and have great attention to detail, its famous mottoes were "less is more" and "God is in the details."