Un nuovo modo di concepire e vivere la bici da città, fra il traffico come nei momenti del tempo libero. Un veicolo di grande versatilità e molto comodo, caratterizzato da scelte strutturali e soluzioni tecnologiche che sviluppano la resa della pedalata, diminuiscono la fatica, assicurano massimo comfort. Il progetto Casati ottimizza infatti tutti gli aspetti del dialogo fra bici e utilizzatore: peso, ingombro, dispositivi di controllo, necessità di manutenzione.
A new way of thinking and living the city bikes, in the traffic as in moments of leisure. A vehicle of great versatility and very comfortable, characterized by structural choices and technological solutions that develop the yield of pedaling, decrease fatigue, ensure maximum comfort. The Casati project optimizes all the aspects of the dialogue between a bike and it’s user: weight, space, control devices, maintenance requirements.
A new way of thinking and living the city bikes, in the traffic as in moments of leisure. A vehicle of great versatility and very comfortable, characterized by structural choices and technological solutions that develop the yield of pedaling, decrease fatigue, ensure maximum comfort. The Casati project optimizes all the aspects of the dialogue between a bike and it’s user: weight, space, control devices, maintenance requirements.
Great to discover another blog dedicated to the bicycle and cycling.